The Twisted Blossom Public Rooms

These rooms are public access and can be used by anyone for their RP needs!Rules for Public Rooms-Anyone can join in the public rooms.-Rooms not listed here are ICly locked in a way they are only accessible by the Mori tribe.-If someone is observed behaving inappropriately in a room, please contact Staff.-No ERPing ya nasties

Room 4
The Public Bath House

In this elegant bath house, one can indulge themselves in the different temperature-controlled pools.
Top floor pools will be hotter, as lower pools will be cooler.
Clothing is optional, swim at your own risk.

Room 6
The Meditation Deck

This calming, soothing room has tracks of the outdoors, and soft rain sounds. It is styled to be an outdoor night scene, with ponds, and a small hot tub. This deck is used by the Mori for certain holiday celebrations, as well as a social gathering spot.

Room 7
The Hostel

The hostel has 8 small rooms that can fit 1-2 people. The rooms are meant more as sleeping spaces, than living spaces. If someone would like to rent a room (for pretend gil), feel free to talk to a staff member, and sign in with Jerry!

Room 9
The Budokan

Do you want to fight? Settle a difference, or sit back and watch others punch it out? The Budokan is just the spot! With plenty of spectator seating, and Bohk mats, this is a popular spot for the Mori and friends to gather and toss hands.The Rules For Fighting-Shoes off the mats
-We use /random 20 to determine hit or miss.
-We typically go to 3 hits out-No death, maiming, or torture.-Always be sure to check in with your fight partner for boundaries. Walking into this room means you consent to possibly getting into a physical altercation IC.-This is for fun. Sore losers will get shrugged at.